Calvert Trust Opportunity!
Dates: Monday 8th April to Friday 12th April 2024 and the course will be residential at the Lake District Centre.
Cost: The cost for 1 adult to attend the course has been met in full by the club.
Who is suitable for:
The individual may have mild to severe physical disabilities or sensory or learning difficulties. The booking is for:
unaccompanied adults (18 and over) who are fully independent.
unaccompanied adults (18 and over) with low support needs who may need some
limited support in coping in an unfamiliar environment.
The type of support the trust can provide for unaccompanied adults with low support needs is restricted to:
Advice and guidance about what clothing to wear for an activity, what to take out on session (medication, spare clothes etc) and helping people gather kit for the day.
Reminding people about mealtimes, what time activities start and where to meet.
Providing occasional assistance with mobility; either for people who are unsteady on their feet, or, for normally independent wheelchair users, who may require some support during activities over tricky terrain. (If this type of support is required, you are asked to identify this on the Delegate/Carer Nomination Form so that we can ensure sufficient support is available).
Ensuring that people are included in evening social activities, such as introducing them to other people in the group, accompanying them to the games room and going swimming with them in the evenings
Listening to any concerns someone may have, for example about their stay or taking part in any activities, and liaising between the individual and Calvert Trust staff.
Assisting with supervision in the swimming pool for confident swimmers.
Unaccompanied adults must be able to behave responsibly towards other individuals. This includes: respecting the rules and advice from Calvert Trust Instructors and members of the Rotary Calvert Team; drinking responsibly; understanding appropriate behaviour towards other people, especially those who are themselves vulnerable and with no violent tendencies or behavioural issues that might cause harm to others.
The Rotary Calvert Team members cannot provide support with taking medication; any personal care needs such as: eating, getting up, showering, dressing, toileting or challenging behaviour. If a potential delegate needs assistance with any of these they MUST be accompanied by a Carer.
The Centre is not on flat ground. Wheelchair users should be able to manage by using lifts and ramps and sometimes with occasional support from other delegates/members of the Rotary Calvert Team.
Please note that an individual will not be supervised at all times during their stay and there will be periods of time where they are left to be independent around the site. All unaccompanied individuals must be able to manage themselves safely on-site, without supervision, when not taking part in a structured activity. This includes during the evenings and through the night.
There is always member of Calvert Trust staff present on site, as well as members of the Rotary Calvert Team (some of whom are residential during the week), who can be summoned in an emergency.
There are many people with disabilities who would gain enormous benefit from this experience.
The Centre and the Activities
For those who are not familiar with the Lake District Calvert Trust, the Centre overlooks Bassenthwaite Lake near Keswick. It is wonderfully equipped and built to meet the varying needs of people with disabilities. The Centre has a sports hall with climbing walls, zip wire, high ropes and wheelchair challenge courses, a boat house on Bassenthwaite; stables for horse riding and a Hydrotherapy Pool.
Our Rotary group is divided into 5 teams and members of each team will spend the week together for daily activities. The programme is finalised approximately 2-4 weeks prior to the event but is likely to include walking, cycling, canoeing, sailing, horse riding, climbing, high ropes or wheelchair challenge course, zip wire and sailing. These activities are led by instructors who are caring, intuitive and highly skilled. Additionally, participants may be able to take part in supervised evening sessions in the LDCT Hydrotherapy pool. Almost without exception everyone attending achieves things that they never thought possible.
Accommodation is in 2, 3 or 4 bed rooms. All rooms have en suite facilities and some have bunk beds. Some rooms also have hoists and height adjustable beds. Delegates will need to share rooms with other delegates or their carers.
Choosing Attendees for the Rotary Calvert Adventure Week Section A: Page 1
2020 Rotary Calvert Adventure Week Information and Delegate/Carer Nomination Form
Ensuring that people are included in evening social activities, such as introducing them to other people in the group, accompanying them to the games room and going swimming with them in the evenings
Listening to any concerns someone may have, for example about their stay or taking part in any activities, and liaising between the individual and Calvert Trust staff.
Assisting with supervision in the swimming pool for confident swimmers.
Unaccompanied adults must be able to behave responsibly towards other individuals. This includes: respecting the rules and advice from Calvert Trust Instructors and members of the Rotary Calvert Team; drinking responsibly; understanding appropriate behaviour towards other people, especially those who are themselves vulnerable and with no violent tendencies or behavioural issues that might cause harm to others.
The Rotary Calvert Team members cannot provide support with taking medication; any personal care needs such as: eating, getting up, showering, dressing, toileting or challenging behaviour. If a potential delegate needs assistance with any of these they MUST be accompanied by a Carer.
The Centre is not on flat ground. Wheelchair users should be able to manage by using lifts and ramps and sometimes with occasional support from other delegates/members of the Rotary Calvert Team.
Please note that an individual will not be supervised at all times during their stay and there will be periods of time where they are left to be independent around the site. All unaccompanied individuals must be able to manage themselves safely on-site, without supervision, when not taking part in a structured activity. This includes during the evenings and through the night.
There is always member of Calvert Trust staff present on site, as well as members of the Rotary Calvert Team (some of whom are residential during the week), who can be summoned in an emergency
If you are interested in the opportunity please contact us at rotarylongridge@gmail.com
More information can be found at www.calvertlakes.org.uk