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tHURSDAY 12 oCTOBER 2023 cOMEDY nIGHT Tickets £20
hotpot supper

Bring your paypal receipt as your ticket

2021-10-14 21.24.55.jpg

Dont miss the annual comedy night of the year !!!! 

St. Wilfrid's terrace, PR3 3WQ, Longridge


Come along and support us. 


This year we've got two great professional comedians in our line up


Bill Woodland and John Martin â€‹


Also included in the Price - Tim Slater's famous hotpot supper.


Arrival from 7:00pm, Hotpot supper 7:30pm, First comedian approx 8:00pm


All proceeds In aid of CRY - Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) for more info go to 








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